Published 2023-03-15 19:35:10
Music trivia are bits of information and are a favorite pastime of many individuals from all over the world.�It�is especially prevalent in America where weekly trivia nights are everyday events for everyone.
Also,�music trivia became a favorite part of the English vocabulary in the early 1900's when Logan Pearsall Smith used the word as a title for his book. However, modern usage of the word and the
cultivation of the trivia contest mean something very different today.
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Published 2023-03-15 04:32:52

I recently enjoyed a performance of the Yellow River Cantata at
The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Hartford, CT.
Big thanks, then, to all who were involved in this production, including the Hartford Symphony Orchestra and its music director, Carolyn Kahn, as well as the Hartford Chorale and its direc...
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Published 2023-03-13 19:12:00

Sir Edward William Elgar (2 June 1857 - 23 February 1934)
Edward Elgar is perhaps best known in the United States as the composer of "Pomp and Circumstance," the tune to which our high school and college graduates regularly march on the way to the podium to receive their diplomas.
More f...
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Published 2023-03-13 11:15:53
The history of the piano comes from centuries of stringed keyboard designs. It also gained the approval of well-known composers.
Pianos may be a new instrument from the 1700?s. It's design and history date back several centuries. Its history also includes innovative ...
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Published 2023-03-11 20:05:55

Harvey Lavan ("Van") Cliburn, a classical pianist who has been world famous since 1958, died on February 27th of this year. We at
JustSheetMusic bid him a fond farewell.
Cliburn was in a direct chain of succession from the 19th century master
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