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Barbara York

Surname: York
By Barbara York
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano, Clarinet
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano, Tuba, Euphonium
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano, Tuba
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano, Tuba
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano, Tuba
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano, Horn
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Piano, Tuba
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Tuba
in the genre Dance and category Scores
By Barbara York for the instruments Tuba
in the genre Dance and category Scores