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JSM Book notes: Music from Three Points of View

Mick Jagger

Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger

By Christopher Andersen

Gallery Books, New York, 2012.

384 pages, $27

Mick Jagger was of course one of the central figures of popular music in the final third of the 20th century. In the 21st, he remains the dynamic and it seems everlasting force behind the Rolling Stones: complemented, of course, by Keith Richards.

One of the many gossipy revelations (or claims) of this gossipy book is that Jagger and another central figure in recent … Continue Reading

Three Recent, and Very Different, Books on Music

Healing at the Speed of Sound

Healing at the Speed of Sound

By Don Campbell and Alex Doman

Hudson Street Press, New York City, 2011.

288 pages, $25.95

This is the latest in a recent spate of books treating of the psychological, indeed the neurological and embryological, origins of our appreciation for and our human ability to create music.

Such books have been very popular ever since Don Campbell came out with The Mozart Effect in 1997. That book argued for the beneficial … Continue Reading